Family name must start with a letter and be at least two characters long. Family name must be at least two characters long. Family name must not contain angled brackets.
Given name(s) must start with a letter and be at least one character long. Given name(s) must be at least one character long. Given name(s) must not contain angled brackets.
The search will return all graduates whose family and given names match your entered names. You can search by either former or preferred family name. However, if the person has changed their name since graduating our records won’t reflect this, so you’ll have to search by their former name.
If the search does not find a person who you know has graduated from the University within the specified period, please email
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To obtain an official academic transcript or verification of a particular student’s qualification, please see Transcripts and Official Letters; the provision of this information is subject to authorisation from the student concerned.